Bees Reading Experience Box!

A few months ago I received a surprise email telling me that Bees was chosen to be featured in a reading experience box for Fictionflock is a delightful site run by a bunch of women who LOVE good books and want to share them with the world. They’ve recently launched their own line of these popular boxes, pairing a book they love with a scented artisan candle that compliments the story!

So far they’ve featured a handful of amazing looking books and candles. I keep eyeing The Cake Therapist box which features a novel (with the most delicious cake on the cover) and comes with a lemon pound cake candle to match it. Forget about reading, I want to eat this box! The Enlightenment of Bees is paired with a Fresh Bee candle from Sister Bees in Michigan, a sister run artisan brand. The candle has notes of lavender, bergamot and lemon, so it ties in perfectly to the bee theme in Bees.

To check out the Bees reading experience box, click here:


Happy Reads for Quarantine…


Lemon Chicken Soup Recipe